Outreach activities at the Royal Entomological Society aim to increase public understanding of entomology.

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Our 2022-2025 Strategic Priority 2 is to ‘Increase public understanding of insect science’, with key objectives to; share insect science and research with a wide audience, encouraging curiosity and debate; develop high impact outreach, education and resources; share and develop best practice and innovation in communication and engagement. We are also guided by our Outreach Committee, chaired by Prof. Adam Hart.

Insect Week is an annual public campaign celebrating ‘the little things that run the world’. We welcome insect related events from all over the world as part of the week in late June. Find out how you can take part on the Insect Week website, along with details of our competitions and database of learning resources.
Insect Festivals are one day events celebrating insects, they have been held in York and Bristol, UK, with an Edinburgh event in development. You can come and see live insects, meet entomologists from different organisations and do art activities related to insects. Check our events page to see if there is an upcoming Insect Festival.
Royal Entomological Society stand at The Big Bang Fair 2022The Society attends exhibitions, fairs and festivals to show people the importance of entomology. Read about the RES stand at The Big Bang Fair – the largest STEM event in Europe.
The Verrall Lecture
The Society organises an annual public lecture on entomology every March, you can find out about previous speakers and watch the 2022 event on the Verrall page. From 2020 we have collaborated with the Amateur Entomologists’ Society to organse the Young Verrall Lecture, given by the same speaker but for young people.
Check our events page to see details of the next Verrall lectures.

EntoSci is the conference for young people about careers and study pathways in entomology, created by Sally-Ann Spence FRES. The event includes inspirational speakers, interactive sessions and a careers area with insect related organisations. The event was held at Harper Adams University in 2016 and 2018, and online in 2022.

entocast is an insect podcast by Liam Crowley and Nick Howe, funded by the RES Outreach Fund.
Listen on the entocast website or search for ‘entocast’ on your podcast listening platform.

Insects in green spaces
This guide offers an overview of the different types of insects, with advice on how you might create a place for them to live in a green space near you.
You can read and download the booklet online.

INSTAR Magazine
We publish a digital magazine for young entomologists. Find out more about insects and those people who study them on the Insect Week website.

Some wonderful photos from our Photography Competition 2021
Photography Competition
We run an annual insect photography competition, with entries submitted from the start of Insect Week to the end of October. There are categories for under and over 18 year olds.
Art Competition
We’ve started an insect art competition for young people in 2022, with entries submitted from the start of Insect Week to the end of October. The art competition is currently for 3-18 year olds.

Knowledge Exchange
The Society’s Outreach Special Interest Group focusses on how entomologists communicate with the public and how the public connects with entomology in return. The SIG meets annually, find out more on the SIG page.

Looking for funds to support your insect outreach activities?
Outreach Fund
The Society’s Outreach (ORF) fund for RES members and fellows aims to support activities relating to insect outreach. Find out more on the fund page.
Goodman Award
The RES Goodman Award funds work that communicate research on insect behaviour and physiology. Find out more on the award page.

Society staff
The Society employs staff dedicated to insect outreach and learning, if you would like more information please contact Fran Sconce.