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Sustainable Agriculture: Innovations in research and practice

Newcastle University
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Join our Sustainable Agriculture Special Interest Group (SIG) for a day delving into the latest innovations in research and practice across agricultural entomology.

£5.00 – £100.00

Orthoptera Special Interest Group (SIG) 2024

Natural History Museum
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Join our Orthoptera Special Interest Group event on the conservation of grasshoppers, crickets and related insects.


An afternoon at Manchester Museum

Manchester Museum

Join Barbara Tigar, RES Northern England Representative, and Diana Arzuzas Buelvas, Curator of Entomology, Manchester Museum, for an opportunity to go behind the scenes and visit the Museum’s Entomology Collection.

£8.00 – £10.00

Insects as Food and Feed: Delivering insect proteins in the UK

Thinktank Museum, Birmingham
Hybrid Hybrid Event

We are delighted to welcome back our annual Insects as Food and Feed (IAFF) conference in partnership with Michelmores. Join us to hear the latest information and take part in discussions outlining new developments and challenges that face the IAFF sector.

£10.00 – £170.00

Feeding the Future: Using Insects as Food and Feed

Thinktank Museum, Birmingham

Across the world, insects are being reared as a source of food for humans and as animal feed. Join us at this exciting public debate where we will introduce using insects as food and feed and look at the challenges and opportunities faced as this becomes more widely considered.


New Scientist Live 2024 – External Event

New Scientist Live 2024Sat 12  - Sun 13  Oct | Schools' Day Mon 14 Oct ExCeL Centre London, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XLCome and see the RES at New Scientist LiveThe RES will…

Online Talk – Ecological Entomology

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us for our October online talk given by the Royal Entomological Society's President Elect, Jane Stout of Trinity College Dublin. In association with our journal Ecological Entomology and free for members.


Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Royal Entomological Society AGM to take place as an in-person and online event during Ento24.All members and fellows are welcome to join the meeting (online and in-person) to hear about the RES activities over…


Ento24: Online

Join us online for Ento24, our flagship conference dedicated to insect science, with opportunities to present your work and hear the latest research from the global entomological community.

£30.00 – £200.00

Ento24: In-person

University of Liverpool

Join the global entomological community at Ento24, our flagship conference dedicated to insect science, with opportunities to present your work, meet new contacts and build collaborations.

£5.00 – £440.00

South West Online Meet-up

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Are you based in the South West of England? This informal online meet-up is an opportunity to meet Liz Evesham, our regional representative, to discuss opportunities for activates in the local area.