Ento24 Presenter Guidelines
10 – 12 September
University of Liverpool and online
We look forward to welcoming you and your work to Ento24.
Please read the presenter guidelines carefully before preparing your presentation.
Join the discussion on social media using #Ento24

The key points for each presentation type are listed below, however we encourage you to read the full guidelines, available to download, carefully before preparing your presentation.
Talk presentations
- The meeting supports PowerPoint and PDF presentations only. Presentations should be in 16:9 landscape mode. PowerPoint is preferred.
- All presentations must be uploaded in your session room at the venue. You cannot use your own laptop.
- Please name your presentation using the following format: Day_Time of talk_Name of Presenter (e.g. Tuesday_12.15_Jones)
- Upload your talk at least 2 hours before the start of your session. Please attempt to upload your presentation the day before.
- If you are speaking on the morning of Tuesday 10 September, please register from 08:00 and upload your talk before the opening plenary at 09:00 or send your presentation in advance to: amy@royensoc.co.uk
- There is only one monitor sharing your presentation, so you will not be able to see any speaker notes in PowerPoint, please bring any notes with you.
- Please be clear about the time allotted to your talk and which room you are speaking in.
Online talk presentations
- All online talks are pre-recorded and must sent to the organisers by Monday 02 September at the latest.
- Your presentation will be played at the conference centre and to online delegates. You will be present in the Zoom meeting and take any questions live.
- You will be provided with a Zoom link to join the meeting a week before the conference. Please note the date and time of your session and keep this link to hand.
- Please arrive on Zoom for your session 15 minutes before the start of the session so we can check you are on the call.
Poster presentations
- All posters should be presented in A0 PORTRAIT format (VERTICAL; dimensions: 841 mm wide by 1189 mm tall).
- Choose font sizes carefully, so that someone can read the poster from a distance.
- Include your contact details (name, email address, Twitter handle) on your poster.
- Make sure your research aims and outcomes are clear and avoid using large sections of text.
- Your poster will be located according to your poster number, which will be provided in the final programme.
- The poster sessions will take place in the main Exhibition Hall (Mountford Hall) of the conference centre.
- Materials for attaching your poster will be provided, please do not use any other materials.
Online poster presentations
- All online poster presentations must be sent to the organisers by Monday 02 September at the latest.
- All posters should be prepared as a PORTRAIT PDF and as one side of A4 only.
- The font size should be 10pt minimum.
- Please ensure the PDF is high resolution.
- Make sure your research aims and outcomes are clear and avoid using large sections of text.
Social media
If there is work in your presentation that you would not like to be shared, please ensure you highlight this on your poster. You can use the Do Not Tweet symbol below. If you do not note this, it is assumed this information can be shared more widely.

Student prize
There will be a prize for the best talk, best in-person poster and best online poster.
If you have entered your presentation for the Student Prize, judging will take place during the conference based on criteria including: visual style, scientific content, originality of research and effectiveness of communication. The winner is likely to be announced after the conference.
We thank CABI and NHBS for providing prizes for our winning student presentations.