Regional Representative - South West England

Dr Elizabeth J. M. Evesham CBiol FRSB, FRES is a Biologist and Entomologist. She was educated in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire and has always had a love of Biology and the Environment. She went on to study Zoology at the University of Hull and then to do a Ph.D. in Entomology. Having completed a Post-Doctorate, at the Free University of Brussels on a Royal Society Fellowship, she went on to become a teacher of Biology. She has taught in a number of independent schools around the country, but has settled in Dorset where she continues to teach. She has been fortunate to be able to continue her research throughout her teaching career. Elizabeth enjoys the chance to attend national and international conferences, visiting a number of countries and embracing different cultures. She has written a number of papers and articles for scientific journals and magazines and is currently in the process of writing a murder mystery book and a couple of children’s books.