Fellowship Application FAQs
Am I eligible to apply for Fellowship?
Fellowship is open to individuals in any country who have made significant contributions to insect
science, whether through research, applied work, outreach, or community engagement. Applicants
from both academic and non-academic backgrounds are encouraged to apply if they meet the
criteria in one or more of the following areas: Work, Impact, and Community.
How do I know if Fellowship or Membership is right for me?
Fellowship is typically suited to those with an established track record in working with insects and a
recognised contribution to the field. Membership is ideal for anyone with an interest in entomology, regardless of experience level. You might consider Fellowship if you have demonstrable impact within entomology and seek to formalise that through recognition by your peers within the Society.
Do I need to be a Member before applying for Fellowship?
No, you do not need to be a Member before applying for Fellowship. Anyone who meets the criteria
is welcome to apply directly for Fellowship status.
Will I be able to use the letters FRES after my name?
Yes, once you are successfully awarded Fellowship and maintain your annual subscription, you are
permitted to use the letters FRES. This is a mark of distinction in the entomological community,
joining the ranks of notable Fellows from the Society’s almost 200-year history, including Charles
Darwin and Miriam Rothschild.
What materials do I need to submit with my application?
- CV: A maximum of two pages, with up to five selected publications or key achievements.
- Application Form: Complete the form with contact information, EDI details, and upload a
letter of support. - Personal Statement: A 350-word statement highlighting your contributions in Work, Impact,
and Community, covering areas not fully addressed in your CV.
What should I include in my personal statement?
Use the personal statement to showcase your unique contributions. This might include:
- Achievements not fully covered in your CV, such as outreach work, mentoring, or specific
project contributions. - Examples of how your work aligns with the criteria in the Work, Impact, and Community
categories. - Any relevant personal experiences that demonstrate your commitment to entomology and
the broader community
How is my application assessed?
Each application is reviewed by a panel, who assess based on a scoring system. The three key areas
(Work, Impact, Community) are weighted as follows: Work (50%), Impact (25%), and Community
(25%). Applications with strong scores across these areas have the best chance of success.
What score do I need to be approved?
Applications unanimously approved by all assessors on the panel will be accepted. Applications unanimously rejected by all assessors will be declined. Mixed outcomes will prompt re-evaluation, potentially requiring a meeting to reach a final decision.
When will I know if my application is successful?
Applications are assessed monthly, and you will typically receive a decision within 4-6 weeks from
the date of submission.
Can I include non-academic achievements in my application?
Absolutely. The RES values a wide range of contributions to entomology. If you have made significant
contributions through outreach, education, consulting, or governance, these are all relevant.
Will my Fellowship be announced publicly?
With your permission, successful Fellowship applications will be announced on the RES website.
We’ll publish your name, any affiliation and country of residence to recognise your achievement and
showcase our Fellows.
What if I need help with the application process?
If you have additional questions, please contact the RES Membership Officer on info@royensoc.co.uk for support.
Will I receive a refund if my application is unsuccessful?
Yes, you will receive a full refund or, if you are not already a member, given the option for a partial refund and a year’s subscription as a RES Member.
Need help with your supporting documents?
Your CV and personal statement are essential components of your Fellowship application. We’ve created a guidance page to help you structure your CV and personal statement.