Michael Bonsall, Chair of Science, Policy and Society Committee
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Chair of Science, Policy and Society Committee

Michael Bonsall is an enthusiastic entomologist, academic and scientist.

Michael is passionate about insects, their biology, ecology and evolution, and is committed to the dissemination of insect science, providing support in broadening the reach, interpretation and knowledge of entomology, and promote progressive and inclusive approaches to entomology. He is a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society, has been insect ecology special interest group lead, a subject editor for Ecological Entomology, and is a member of the RES finance committee.

He runs a diverse research group in Biology at the University of Oxford with a focus on ecology and evolution. With senior management roles, in Oxford, within the Biology department (finance lead), across the Science Division (also finance lead) and as a trustee of an Oxford college, Michael brings experience of academic leadership, understanding of the legal duties as a trustee and the ability to act with integrity, care and diplomacy to this trustee role.

At a national level, he has served as special advisor to the House of Lords Science and Technology committee on insect biotechnology and served on DEFRA advisory committee on (genetically modified, GM) releases to the environment. Internationally, he has worked with the WHO, FNIH, the European Food Safety Authority and the Canadian Council of Academies on science policy and guidance for risk assessment around biodiversity, insects as food and feed and GM insect technologies.

portrait of Professor Michael Bonsall FRES